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 Post subject: mpc problems
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:45 am 
i have an electra x310 that seems to be in pretty good condition: few scrathes and a once cracked but now restored neck. I recently got an overdrive mpc module for it but im not sure if the mpc wiring is right in my guitar. first off the module only works sometimes and second when it does work it seems with the overdrive on its not as loud as it is when the overdrive is off. Im not quite sure whats wrong. Mabye its the module itself?

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:14 pm 
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Joined: Sun Sep 14, 2003 3:21 pm
Posts: 400
Location: Seattle, WA
You may want to check the wiring on your MPC toggles. If there's a loose wire it could be contributing to what sounds like an intermittent fault with the Power Overdrive module. An easy attempt at a fix is to clean the metal contacts (the part that slides into the module cavity receptor) on the module itself with a clean pencil eraser. The contacts can be corroded even if the don't look it. I had to do that on a module I got a few months ago and now it works good as new.

I hope that helps. Have fun!


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:34 pm 
thanx for the reply. i heard about that on another website and i tried cleaning them. but after a while of scrubbing, only so much will come off; they're still blackish. ill try checking for loose wires though. Thanks alot.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:40 am 
I don't know if it will help you or not, but on badly oxidized/corroded contacts (PC cards, sound equipment, fire damaged electronics or exposure to the elements) I've had pretty good luck with TarnX on a Q-tip (it only takes a dab). Just remember to clean the TarnX off with denatured alcohol (rubbing) before using it. Test on the tip of a contact first to avoid reactions with the substrate/board though.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:36 am 
thanks man ill give it a shot.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:05 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2003 4:58 am
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If you have that nasty black coating on your MPC contacts use a nice soft pencil eraser on the contacts to remove it. It will leave the contacts silver and shiny. Use a soft and clean eraser, making sure that the metal edge of the eraser retainer does not scratch the contact - a scratch could damage it.

After it is clean you can use some caig labs pro gold on it if you have it to enhance the contact and to protect it from further corrosion. Works very well. You don't have to do this step, but it is nice if you can. You can get the progold in some radio shack stores (not all of them carry it).

If you tell me this doesn't work, you likely did not try it. This works - every time - and does not harm the contacts. I know as I have done probably 40-50 of them over the years (it is an old computer trick).

If your module cuts in and out try this first. If that doesn't do it, then we will have to troubleshoot some more.



 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 7:33 pm 
Thanx Thorny for all your help and cooperation. I finally got the mpc working. IT was the guitar that had the problem. As it turns out someone had messed with the wiring before us and when they tried to rewire it, the messed up. The two wires for the battery were switched. The module works fine but the boost is hardly recognizable. Thanx everyone for all the help.

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