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My Fifth (5th) Guitar! You gotta see this one.
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Author:  BeatenPhoenix [ Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  My Fifth (5th) Guitar! You gotta see this one.

The almighty Synsonics Terminator! :P

Mine has the original bridge, FYI.
Mine's a 1989 model, year one of production.
Fatures maple neck and possibly fretboard, possible ash or plywood body, and, of course, the signature synsonics speaker. It's a 3/4 size, small but fun.
I caution you when you read reviews, my guitar in particular is of relatively high standards for a synsonic, matching Ibanez or Squier guitars.

Note: Ash or Plywood is my way of justifying it, I've heard it's a weird wood/paper thing, although it seems like this sprouted by one review and spread....

Author:  Workingman [ Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My Fifth (5th) Guitar! You gotta see this one.

Looks like a blast. I remember when you could get the Dan Electro and Silvertones with the amp built into the case for around $100. Now they are "collectors items".

Author:  BeatenPhoenix [ Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My Fifth (5th) Guitar! You gotta see this one.

A blast indeed.
I overpayed a tad, but either way for 30 bucks I won't complain.
Making a whammy bar now, so that I can see just how much of a "Blast" it can be.

Hopefully I can get new pickups, tuners, etc and turn it into a crazy beast. :up:

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