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 Post subject: Unknown Electra Guitar
PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:26 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:36 pm
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Well I'm considering buying a older guitar from a neighbor she is selling me a electra guitar and a nice big but more importanly lous amp,. I searched and searched but cant seem to find this guitars picture anywhere. I have not bought it yet so i dont have pics but it does not look like any i seen on this site. The body is not like any body i have seen before but it has a slim neck and it has electrea written on the head stock. The logo is kind of plain looking nothing fancy just says electra. I know this dont help but ill tell yous anyway it is red lol. I will put pics when i get a chance. Thanks Ahead of time B. Sleeper

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 11:02 pm 
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is it this:


or this?


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 2:33 pm 

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No but it is simular to the second one the red one. The loer part of the body is cut at a angle almost like a flying v but not as drastic and alot smaller. It has a pretty small body i have still been searching and havent seen anything. Thanks for the help im still trying to get pics of it so i can be more help. Any Ideas?

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 3:07 pm 
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here's another red one :)

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 Post subject: Thats It!
PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 3:12 pm 

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Thats the one what is it called and is it a good guitar? She is selling me that guitar and a big amp for $150 comes with the case its in ok condition but i plan on fixing it up think its worth it?

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:40 pm 
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it's the "Futura"

Definitely worth it. the "six stringers" here can chime in on the playability etc.... :)

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 6:05 pm 

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Sweet thank you. I already got to mess with it for a few but it was out of tune and i cant tune by ear but it felt great in my hands. Thanks again. They where only made for one year would'nt that make it fairly rare?

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:06 am 
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Futuras are great! They're basically an a radical body with the pickups and wiring (and neck!) of an Electra Phoenix X165- two humbuckers with coil tap and phase reverse switches in a four-knob arrangement.

It's a great guitar, with a heavy maple body, maple neck, rosewood fingerboard. And oddly, there was a verison of it in pearl white but with a mirror reverse body!


The Futura was available in 83 and 84, I don't think it persisted past the name change from Electra to Westone. There was also a Futura bass!


 Post subject: Sweet thanks
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 3:19 pm 

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I bought it today i snapped some pix ill post them here when i put them on the cpu. Just incase anyone ever needs a pic or if they want to update the sites pic or something.

 Post subject: Pics I hope lol
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:09 pm 

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dont know if im doing this right but im gonna try




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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:53 am 
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Excellent! And the original hard case, that's fairly unusual.

You can touch up those dings on the headstock, just stop at your local auto parts store that sells Duplicolor aout touchup in those little nail polish bottles. Electra guitars used Toyota auto paint, and 'Universal Flat Black' is a dead match for that weird satin finish on the neck and headstock.

I believe the two lower knobs, the tone knobs, pull out to switch coil tap and phase reverse options. (phase reverse only works when both pickups are selected).

Congratulations, that's a really great guitar. People are divided- love or hate the radical body shape (I love it). Regardless, with that excellent neck and those MMK45 pickups which are among the best made by anoyone ever- frequently mistaken for Dimarzios.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:51 pm 

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Thanks thats some good info i love it the guitar plus the amp makes me feel like i can actually play guitar lmao. Yah its great though i been trying to learn metallics one and this guitar plays it better than my other 3 guitars. It screams. I thik it was deffinatly worth the money and the case is dinged up there is one rip on the inside you can see in the pics and the outsidce is pretty banged up missing some of the trim but it saved the guitar its in pretty good condition the headstock and a chip or two in the paint of the body other than that its in great condition. The amp is a tryner i think thats how its spelled im not sure if your supposed to but it has two inputs and tro different sets of knobs one seems like its set for backup and one has more options seems like for lead any one know if you can have two people playing or if its bad for the amp?

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:18 pm 
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I don't know Traynor amps firsthand but any guitar amp that has two inputs is gonna get plugged into, so I don't think that's a problem. Not saying you couldn't blow out the speaker if you tried hard, but I doubt you'll fry anything.

You've got the perfect shred guitar there, screamin hot beautiful pickups and a neck that will give you really good action if you set it up right. If you want my advice, try some heavier strings, they'll not only sound better but you can actually play way faster because you don't dig in like you do with 'limp noodle' strings. Heavier strings will definitely give your left fingertips a workout- hope you don't mind pain for the first week (especially on bends) but after that it's smooth sailing and worth the pain, IMHO.

I'm currently running .012 GHS strings, which are 'heavy'. I suppose the 'normal' gause are .010's for most people- but try .011's next time you change strings (which you should do probalby anyway, being new to you the old strings probably are black and worn out). .011's give you the tone and the control but don't mean you have to adjust the truss rod like you do when you switch up to .012's.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:21 pm 
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BTW, I would love to see pics of peoples' Electra guitars in action- got any pics of you playing it, or on stage?

Me, I don't have cool enough clothes to carry a Futura on stage ;)

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:23 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:36 pm
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Cool thanks for the advice right now i have earnie ball super slinkies on there but ill try when i have to swich them next (the earnie balls are new i just put them on). I want to thank everyone who helped me out on this matter i think im addicted to this guitar and maybe even electras in general i dont know ill let you know next time i use another one lol. Also thanks for telling me about pulling the lower knobs i didnt know about that im going to try when i get home from work at 2 am. See some of my neighbors already hate im gonna give them a reason lmao. Thanks again
B. Sleeper

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