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PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:31 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:54 pm
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Location: Un-Pleasant-Sin,NO.CAL
Hello All just got a LP Copy Natural. it's a Mystery though as I can't find any other's like it or info on it.. i'll post some pic's.. it's a Bolt neck w/ a couple stickers on the Back of HS.. one of them says MIK the other is a Serial # WO.20178.. I wish it was a Electra ... But it's Not.. Anyone Ever seen one like it before.. I'm Curious as to Who made it and When..? I think it's a cool Guitar but I bought it More for the Gibson Chainsaw case and Fender amp that came w/ it.. Also Someone (previous owner's) filled down the Frets too low between the 3 & 7th on the Bass side of neck.. So it's gonna need a Fret job or a Different neck sometime in it's Future.. weights like 7-8.5p and has a Maple neck w/ Skunk strip.. Pine,Ash, Maple Cap body? kinda weird.. Almost a Fender/Gibby Baseball bat style neck.. Here's a few pic's. Thank You in Advance for any Help w/ this.. S.A [img]IMG][/img]ImageImageImage[/img]

Last edited by SG-fiend on Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:36 pm 
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here's a Couple more of it.. LP Mystery... sorry pic's are so BIG but it's Photobuckets fault.. S.A [img][IMG][/img]ImageImage[/img]Image

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:48 am 
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That is a blast from the past. My very first guitar had the exact same headstock and logo as well as the neck but was in a cherry sunburst. I was around 1975-76 and was purchased from the Sears catalog. I remember the sound of the pups was a bit muddy and muffled but it could have been the silvertone amp that came with it. I kept it for a little while then got my first Electra(X260N) and the rest is a long story. I know that mine was Korean made but never knew the name brand if there was one other than Sears. Hope this helps.Sorry but no pics of the one I had. Thanks for the memories. :huh:

Always give thanks for everyday, It may be your last so Rock On Semper Fi!!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:38 am 
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mortarman120gang11c wrote:
That is a blast from the past. My very first guitar had the exact same headstock and logo as well as the neck but was in a cherry sunburst. I was around 1975-76 and was purchased from the Sears catalog. I remember the sound of the pups was a bit muddy and muffled but it could have been the silvertone amp that came with it. I kept it for a little while then got my first Electra(X260N) and the rest is a long story. I know that mine was Korean made but never knew the name brand if there was one other than Sears. Hope this helps.Sorry but no pics of the one I had. Thanks for the memories. :huh:
WHOA... Sears .. That's really Cool because during that time in 74-76 is when I was daydreaming everyday w/ a Sears catalog. I was either looking/ drooling at Bra's or Guitars... and listening to KISS and Aerosmith.. and lots of others.. just two of my all time fave's.. Also I couldn't afford any guitars yet.. We was Poor.. I spent everyday at the Babysitter's w/ my Sear's Catalog..: ) I have fond memories of that time also.. I was born in '66 so I was 7-8-9 yrs old and ACE Frehley was my Hero. BTW I changed out the Bridge pUp to a Epiphone humbucker and it sounds ALOT better.. Also the PuP's are actually Single coils hidden under Humbucker covers.. that's probably why these Sound so shoddy... Thank You very Much for Sharing the Memories and the info.. I have a Place to start Now.. I'd really like to find out who Made these.. I love a Good Mystery.. Overall I think it was a Good investment for $80 bucks w/ Gibby Case and strap/cord and a Fender Dsp 30 Amp.. Now if I could Find a Sear's Catalog from that time Maybe I can Relive some more of those Memories Also.. hehe Thank You Motarman it's Very Much Appreciated.. Scott. ps I wish mine was a sunburst or Tobacco .. burst just like ACE's.. (-_o

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:52 pm 
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Well I found out Who makes it.. CROWN and I got to look at old Sear's Catalog's as Well.. I found one Just like mine on eBay in Cherry Sunburst ... it's got like 16hrs left and NO bids.. opening bid is $150.. it's listed under Copy in GUITAR catagory.. Thx Again.. i'm so happy I found out who makes this LP copy.. Now if I could figure out what that image is on HS.. looks like Two birds to me but it Might be a CROWN.. (-_o Image

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:46 pm 
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:huh: Crown maybe, I was told by others it looked like a butterfly but who knows. Great that you found one. Good luck with the search. :look:

Always give thanks for everyday, It may be your last so Rock On Semper Fi!!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:21 pm 
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Yep found this one on e-bay and it is exactly like my first guitar down to the cheap plastic tuners. I debated on upgrading mine but chose the electra X260N instead. But what the heck it was a great 1st guitar and got it and a silvertone amp w/tremelo for around $60. ... 7C294%3A50 :up:

Always give thanks for everyday, It may be your last so Rock On Semper Fi!!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:52 pm 
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Cool then there's Two on eBay right now for sale.. that one is Not the one I found earlier today but it's exactly like the other one.. seems like a popular color.. Thanx for all the info. I just might have to buy that one.. change out p/ups- tuners... it's alot nicer condition then mine and more colorful too... (-_o and it comes w/ a Case.. sweet.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:54 pm 
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mortarman120gang11c wrote:
:huh: Crown maybe, I was told by others it looked like a butterfly but who knows. Great that you found one. Good luck with the search. :look:
I see it now.. it does look like a Butterfly... Thanx again .. I'm searching .. (-_o

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:34 am 

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SG-fiend wrote:
mortarman120gang11c wrote:
That is a blast from the past. My very first guitar had the exact same headstock and logo as well as the neck but was in a cherry sunburst. I was around 1975-76 and was purchased from the Sears catalog. I remember the sound of the pups was a bit muddy and muffled but it could have been the silvertone amp that came with it. I kept it for a little while then got my first Electra(X260N) and the rest is a long story. I know that mine was Korean made but never knew the name brand if there was one other than Sears. Hope this helps.Sorry but no pics of the one I had. Thanks for the memories. :huh:
WHOA... Sears .. That's really Cool because during that time in 74-76 is when I was daydreaming everyday w/ a Sears catalog. I was either looking/ drooling at Bra's or Guitars... and listening to KISS and Aerosmith.. and lots of others.. just two of my all time fave's.. Also I couldn't afford any guitars yet.. We was Poor.. I spent everyday at the Babysitter's w/ my Sear's Catalog..: ) I have fond memories of that time also.. I was born in '66 so I was 7-8-9 yrs old and ACE Frehley was my Hero. BTW I changed out the Bridge pUp to a Epiphone humbucker and it sounds ALOT better.. Also the PuP's are actually Single coils hidden under Humbucker covers.. that's probably why these Sound so shoddy... Thank You very Much for Sharing the Memories and the info.. I have a Place to start Now.. I'd really like to find out who Made these.. I love a Good Mystery.. Overall I think it was a Good investment for $80 bucks w/ Gibby Case and strap/cord and a Fender Dsp 30 Amp.. Now if I could Find a Sear's Catalog from that time Maybe I can Relive some more of those Memories Also.. hehe Thank You Motarman it's Very Much Appreciated.. Scott. ps I wish mine was a sunburst or Tobacco .. burst just like ACE's.. (-_o

Oh yea. Kiss and Aerosmith............My son came and ask me a few months ago if we could help him find out if Toys in th Attic could still be bought. I said, you can use mine. ( I was so Proud :D ) I also fell in love with that sunburst of Ace Frehlys and learned guitar by following along with him. Couldnt afford lessons. I also followed his advice, Take all the guitar players and their styles that you like best, combine them and there is your style. He was right.


PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:00 pm 
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slmguy wrote:
SG-fiend wrote:
mortarman120gang11c wrote:
That is a blast from the past. My very first guitar had the exact same headstock and logo as well as the neck but was in a cherry sunburst. I was around 1975-76 and was purchased from the Sears catalog. I remember the sound of the pups was a bit muddy and muffled but it could have been the silvertone amp that came with it. I kept it for a little while then got my first Electra(X260N) and the rest is a long story. I know that mine was Korean made but never knew the name brand if there was one other than Sears. Hope this helps.Sorry but no pics of the one I had. Thanks for the memories. :huh:
WHOA... Sears .. That's really Cool because during that time in 74-76 is when I was daydreaming everyday w/ a Sears catalog. I was either looking/ drooling at Bra's or Guitars... and listening to KISS and Aerosmith.. and lots of others.. just two of my all time fave's.. Also I couldn't afford any guitars yet.. We was Poor.. I spent everyday at the Babysitter's w/ my Sear's Catalog..: ) I have fond memories of that time also.. I was born in '66 so I was 7-8-9 yrs old and ACE Frehley was my Hero. BTW I changed out the Bridge pUp to a Epiphone humbucker and it sounds ALOT better.. Also the PuP's are actually Single coils hidden under Humbucker covers.. that's probably why these Sound so shoddy... Thank You very Much for Sharing the Memories and the info.. I have a Place to start Now.. I'd really like to find out who Made these.. I love a Good Mystery.. Overall I think it was a Good investment for $80 bucks w/ Gibby Case and strap/cord and a Fender Dsp 30 Amp.. Now if I could Find a Sear's Catalog from that time Maybe I can Relive some more of those Memories Also.. hehe Thank You Motarman it's Very Much Appreciated.. Scott. ps I wish mine was a sunburst or Tobacco .. burst just like ACE's.. (-_o

Oh yea. Kiss and Aerosmith............My son came and ask me a few months ago if we could help him find out if Toys in the Attic could still be bought. I said, you can use mine. ( I was so Proud :D ) I also fell in love with that sunburst of Ace Frehleys and learned guitar by following along with him. Couldnt afford lessons. I also followed his advice, Take all the guitar players and their styles that you like best, combine them and there is your style. He was right.

Very Nice...I couldn't afford lessons either or even a Guitar..that's why I have so many Guitars now.. I always Liked Ace's advice ... it's what got me inspired also.. Man I miss those Early seventies days.. Lots of Great music.. cool looking Chicks and BadAss Guitar's and Players.. and some Great Car's .. (-_o

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:29 pm 

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With out a doubt, the wildest guitar I ever saw was when the guy in Cheap Trick came out on stage with a double neck guitar shaped like him. It had his head wearing a ball cap, body was his arms and checked sport coat with the double neck as his legs and feet. The head stocks shaped and painted like tennis shoes. And before that wore off he came back out with a 5 neck guitar.


PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:57 pm 
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Rick Neilson had an armory of weird guitars, including 5 necked Hamers.... :o

"... and on the eighth day, God created New Zealanders.

Because even the Australians need heroes."

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:29 am 
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I bet He (Rick Neilson) Still has all of those Guitars Stashed away somewhere.. Well I changed out the Bridge Pup tonight w/ a Dimarzio 70's Humbucker that I had laying around in my old Aria ProII Cardinal Series bolt neck.. that is not being played anymore and then put the Bridge Pup thats a Epiphone HB out of my Samick SG-450 and put it in the Neck position and Dang this guitar Actually plays and Sounds Great Now.. The pick ups Sound Really Good together. The Dimarzio Ohm'ed out at 8.5 and the Epiphone ohm's out at 8.2 So it's very nicely Balanced now and Sustains Real Nice.. I think i'm going to have to play this Crown LP more often now and get some Tones out of it.. it's a very nice Korean Made LP.. and Sounds Ten times better then Original... Pots are in Excellent shape as Well as the Toggle Switch.. Now i'll have to see about Changing the Tuners out.. I got a Set from that Same Aria that will Work perfectly.. Nice.. I like Project Guitars.. it's real nice to Change things around a bit.. Makes life less dull and it all Sounds Good in the End.. (-_o here's a Pic or two of the Change.. Cheers. S.A [img][IMG][/img]ImageImage[/img]

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:11 pm 
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I'd buy a natural one of these for the looks. Maybe make it into a really aweosme clock?

That, or go extreme on it and make it a project with 3 pickups and a metallic purple finish. :D

Addicted to Matsumoku.

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