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PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:22 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:54 pm
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Location: Un-Pleasant-Sin,NO.CAL
I just got this off C/List here in Bay Area S.F yesterday. I thought it was a Phoenix from the shoddy pic posted w/ it but I really couldn't tell and the ad posted didn't make Mention of it being an Electra so I had to email the seller like four times last week before he finally replied and told Me he still had it for sale. I finally got a Call from him last evening to tell Me it was a Electra. So I jumped up fast and Drove out last evening to take a look. Well it was what I kinda thought it was. A 1982 Electra X-155 in White w/ LOTS of shoddy Stickers all over it and Missing the Toggle tip and one Speed knob (now two) one was totally broken so its in the trash now. Well after a four hour Clean up and inspection (stickers on Guitars SUCK) I finally got it looking decent enough to post a Pic or Two. I'll try the Before- After Thing.. btw the seller wanted $50 for it and I offered $35 and he took it. Also I had a Toggle tip for it from one of my old Aria Pro II's Cardinal series that is in Pieces now. So now all I need to find is two notched speed knobs in Black. Anyone have a couple to sell or know where I could find a Set ? For the time being I have a couple regular ones on it till I find a some. I have some Gold notched ones from that same Aria but those found a New home on my MIK Epi '56 Goldtop.. they matched way better then the Amber bell knobs it came w/.. Also this Phoenix Is kinda Dull compared to My '84 X-189 Same pick-ups but it doesn't have that same Growl that the X189 does...? also It's got some issues w/ Electric's that I need to work out/ Clean. They Work but somethings not quite right.. any Idea's .. Thanx for any info in advance. Scott Image Image Image Image

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:35 am 
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Joined: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:10 pm
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:up: Great job on the clean up. What did you use to get the sticker residue off without pulling the finish off with it?
Looks much better now congrats on a great find and a great deal. :up: :up: :up:

Always give thanks for everyday, It may be your last so Rock On Semper Fi!!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:27 am 
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Joined: Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:52 am
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The X155 stands out in the forest of X100 models, and has a good write up in the index section of this website. I think it was one of the first models without a pickguard, and has the push pull coil cuts if I'm not mistaken. A steal at $35, although it sounds like this character wasn't making it exactly easy for you! The before/after pictures are impressive man. Good Story, Great Snag.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:39 pm 
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Location: Un-Pleasant-Sin,NO.CAL
mortarman120gang11c wrote:
:up: Great job on the clean up. What did you use to get the sticker residue off without pulling the finish off with it?
Looks much better now congrats on a great find and a great deal. :up: :up: :up:
Thanx MotarMan.. you probably can't see it but it still has some residue on it. I used Good old WD-40. Other then the Wd I tried some Cigarette Ash also, It isn't pretty but it works. Now I'm all about cleaning pots and trying to figure out the Electric's Problem. Thx for the comments. Scott Image Image

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:48 pm 
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Location: Un-Pleasant-Sin,NO.CAL
proendorser wrote:
The X155 stands out in the forest of X100 models, and has a good write up in the index section of this website. I think it was one of the first models without a pickguard, and has the push pull coil cuts if I'm not mistaken. A steal at $35, although it sounds like this character wasn't making it exactly easy for you! The before/after pictures are impressive man. Good Story, Great Snag.
Thanx Proendorser Yeah half the Fun of getting these guitars is the Chase.. Sometimes better than the Catch but not in this time.. this is a Great playing Guitar.. just like the X189 I scored a few months ago.. Cheers, Scott Image

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:16 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jul 27, 2008 7:54 am
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I love the full-range control (2 vol/tone) of the X-155, and the finish is just amazing.
I need one.

Great score, too bad about the stickers but it's an interesting story, huh?
And that $35 is really pushing my records on my $20 Phoenix and $30 Workingman.


Addicted to Matsumoku.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:30 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:54 pm
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Location: Un-Pleasant-Sin,NO.CAL
BeatenPhoenix wrote:
I love the full-range control (2 vol/tone) of the X-155, and the finish is just amazing.
I need one.

Great score, too bad about the stickers but it's an interesting story, huh?
And that $35 is really pushing my records on my $20 Phoenix and $30 Workingman. Thx Beaten Yeap I'm coming in a Close second to your Scores.. $35 for my X155 & $40 for my X189 & $90 for my SG 2259 PCM.. We ain't doing to bad huh ?... there's more out there just gotta find em... before anyone else..cheers. Scott


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