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PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:45 am 
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I've started a thread about a Futura I was thinking about trading for in the restoration area, and I'll continue that as things progress, but I'd thought I'd pass along a cosmic story that has Redeye totally upstaging my find! I went out to make the trade yesterday after work, and the Futura wasn't quite as squeaky clean as I was led to believe, but it has an original case, and I haven't played the Aria Pro I was trading in a long time, so I said 'what the heck' and we exchanged guitars.

When I get home I find a large Guitar sized box waiting for me, and my girl just shaking her head as I bust through the door with a big rectangular case already. I open up the box and read the attached note, when I find Redeye is loaning me one of his latest finds off CraigsList to check out, a XV3GR Dynasty Graphite in showroom shape! It is in awesome condition, really really nice, super clean down to the perfect pointy headstock. What a coincidence I say as I find out that the two guitars were made two months away from each other in 1983 and have matching silver lined cases:

I blurt out loud "well, it looks like its gonna be a Mega Hair weekend at the Ranch darling..." They look pretty sweet together:

I've only spent about 30 minutes playing the Dynasty through an amp, the tonal possibilities are pretty staggering with the three push pull pots (ala X199 etc.) and you'll just have to take my word at how clean it is, because the flash on my camera just doesn't do it justice:

Even though the Futura will never be as versatile or clean as Redeyes Dynasty, I thought it was a pretty cool coincidence, and had to pass along some pics of them together. Here's to all the shredders out there, Mike.

P.S. anyone got a pair of MMK's out there? 45's or 53's, I'm not (too...) picky.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:48 pm 
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Dang, I hate pointy guitars :wink:

Looks to be a nice and interesting project. It's great to have come with the original hardcase.

JD's Electras

PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 4:54 pm 
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8) I have the same XV3GR and that color is very nice and it plays great. As you stated it has endless tonal range and the pups have power to spare. They do look nice together. Waiting to see the Futura alive again. :up:

Always give thanks for everyday, It may be your last so Rock On Semper Fi!!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:39 am 
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It doesn't show up in the pictures (hard to see the awesome detail on it), but I put the very cool neckplate that slmguy donated as an EF2010 prize on the Dynasty. Unfortunately, that's where the front strap button goes (right through the plate), so now it does not have one in front, and I can't bring myself to drill through that neck plate that slmguy so selflessly donated....

I was going to put that neck plate on the x135 'Burn Victim', but I was surprised to see that the dimensions are not the same. The distance between the screws from headstock-side to bridge-side is greater on the Phoenix. Also checked the 2275, and it is larger as well. Kinda interesting....

Those girls look sexy together, Mike! :love:

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:28 am 

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Here's 45 bridge PUP ... K:MEWAX:IT

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:55 am 
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...and a 53 ... ccessories

and another 45. Little rusty, and 2 wire, but a low BIN... ... ccessories

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:44 am 
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Jead wrote:
Here's 45 bridge PUP ... K:MEWAX:IT

$62 for a pickup, and then another $16 for shipping? I predict that they get zero bids...

I think $40 a pickup is about the most I'd pay for a MMK... personally.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 4:19 pm 
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Redeye wants me to put together a sound clip of the Dynasty, but I got started thinking about the different pickup combinations and was fascinated (and stunned) to find that there are 18 different combinations you can make with the H/S/H pickup configuration, which is found on a number of the Phoenix guitars as well as many of the Pointy offerings. You don't believe me do you... well here's what I came up with, tell me if it adds up:

Neck pickup:
Neck Pickup in Humbucking
Neck Pickup in Single Coil
Neck Pickup w/ middle in Humbucking
Neck Pickup w/ middle in Single Coil

Bridge Pickup in Humbucking
Bridge Pickup in Single Coil
Bridge Pickup w/ middle in Humbucking
Bridge Pickup w/ middle in Humbucking out of phase
Bridge Pickup w/ middle in Single Coil
Bridge Pickup w/ middle in Single Coil out of phase

Both Pickups:
Both Pickups in Humbucking
Both Pickups in Humbucking out of phase
Both Pickups in Single Coil
Both Pickups in Single Coil out of phase
Both Pickups w/ middle in Humbucking
Both Pickups w/ middle in Humbucking out of phase
Both Pickups w/ middle in Single Coil
Both Pickups w/ Middle in Singe Coil out of phase

Now there is just no way I can get to all these tones and do them justice, it would take me over a minute just to switch these in and strum a single chord... it's mind boggling. I'll see what I can come up with. I've just never completely thought about all the different combination possible before tonight, pretty impressive for a mid-priced guitar in the 1980's I say! Big Hair Rules! Mike.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:16 am 
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I finally got something down with this remarkably versatile guitar, and sounding very un-metal like. I recorded it with my camera so the audio is a little low-fi. I'm still looking for a place to host the video, I may have to break down and get a YouTube account. Here's the sound clip, tell me what you think:

I especially liked the Bridge humbucker with the Middle pickup tone, very Rickenbacker-esque! Great little player, thanks Redeye for the long term loan man! Mike.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:49 am 

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Those HSC's are harder to find than the guitars--lol. Nice! I didn't know about all of the tonal options with the three push/pull pots.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:26 pm 
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Here's the video version I posted to youtube:

These H/S/H guitars are off the charts in the versatility arena, keep in mind that I only got to half the 18 settings. I recently noticed that the PRS 513's have a very similar H/S/H setup, and as the name implies 'only' have 13 tone variations... the SLM options were way ahead of their time. Mike.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 3:04 pm 
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:up: Very nice demo you hit all the bases on that one. Sounds great. :up:

Always give thanks for everyday, It may be your last so Rock On Semper Fi!!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 7:08 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:03 pm
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Beautiful guitars....and great story!!!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:42 pm 

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proendorser wrote:
Here's the video version I posted to youtube:

These H/S/H guitars are off the charts in the versatility arena, keep in mind that I only got to half the 18 settings. I recently noticed that the PRS 513's have a very similar H/S/H setup, and as the name implies 'only' have 13 tone variations... the SLM options were way ahead of their time. Mike.

I enjoyed the video. Maybe we need a thread on all the different HSH guitars Westone offered as a guide.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:05 pm 
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Nice job picking out all of the tones there; those MMK45s sure are versatile!! :up: I've used my Spectrum GT onstage once and to muck around getting all of the different tones was something less than ideal; bandmates rolling their eyes kind off not ideal!! :lol: But yeah, the H/S/H sure do yowl - the Westones had the Spectrum GT, LX and FX (FX being set neck), and there is a range of pointies in there as well; the Dimension IV, Dynasty and the Monark.

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