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 Post subject: other vintage guitars
PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:06 pm 

Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:05 pm
Posts: 43
hi what other vintage guitars do you guys collect.
ie greco burny tokai harmony ventura ect

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:03 pm 
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I have a few Westone models as well as several Series 10(another SLM brand from early eighties) and a few tiescos.

Always give thanks for everyday, It may be your last so Rock On Semper Fi!!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:39 pm 
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I've got:

-1978 Aria SB-800 bass
-1983-4 B.C Rich NJ Ironbird
-1983 Peavey T-25 Special
-1960s Yamaha Classical

Addicted to Matsumoku.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:36 pm 

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I used to snatch up all kinds of Teisco's. I also had a phase where I couldn't resist Kay's and Harmony's. All those guitars are long gone - it just got to be too hard to deal with all the missing and broken parts and electronics. I still keep a look out for Kawai's and sometimes Decca's, but I'm pretty dialed in to Electra's for the forseeable future.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:29 am 
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The Electras are my mainstay. I have one or two of the others that I picked up here and there and also have a Beauty of a Peavey T-60 in Teaburst color as well as as T-40 Bass in natural finish but I like my Electras the best.

Always give thanks for everyday, It may be your last so Rock On Semper Fi!!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:31 pm 
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Aria PII RSB Deluxe Bass
Aria PII RSB Frankenstien bass (fretless)
Aria PII TS350
Vantage 750.

I guess Uncle Matt's are what I collect.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:34 am 

Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:05 pm
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what are ventura ment to be like some one near me is selling the ventura country gent copy.just wondering if this is a real jem like the electras

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:48 pm 
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Okay.... playing the part of the typical MITUSA collector.... the Iceman!!

1963 Melody Maker
1970 LPC Black Beauty
1980 V2

That was then. Slowly though a transformation began to take shape and a faint glimmer of light began to appear. About 4 years after he began buying guitars this happened....

1984 Squier Strat E-series.

Still an American company, but no longer American made. What was our hero up too??

A long cold retreat begins. A cocoon is spun. A pupae appears.....

Fast forward about (mumble-mumble ) years and in the last 5 months the metamorphosis appears to have been completed. Suddenly and with little warning out of his cocoon a butterfly broke free and...

1981 Concorde I
1986 Pantera x775
1987 Genesis I

And on Memorial Day Weekend 2011, he (finally) feels his oats......

1984 Electra Westone Phoenix x185RD

...throw me a frickin' bone here, people...

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:50 am 
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I kinda backed into the Electra... I originally played bass and had a 67' mustang, and an Ibanez doubleneck 6/4... ( wish I still had them both ) I didn't really get the whole Telecaster thing, but years later when my Grampa left me his 74' Telecaster Deluxe I started jamming with it, the only downfall being the weight. ( it's the heaviest guitar I've ever held, LP's are light in comparison ) he also left me the Electra 2253w he bought at a farm auction with the ohsc for $6.00 !!!! So now I have tele style guitars ( a Squier modded to a nine string and an Alvarez standard modded with a strat trem ) but I also have some other odd ducks... Peavey T15, a ratrod Ibanez LP, and real frankenstein of an early LP jr in the SG shape nothin' original on it, and a heavily modded Squier Lefty Strat... I play in a Praise and Worship band and the Electra, the Squier 9 string and the T15 make the most appearances when I'm playing electric... but I often play 12 string acoustic, with either my Washburn jumbo or my Alvarez dreadnought...

2253w, its not a MPC or a set neck, but it is a sweet tele custom tribute.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:01 am 
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I'm also into vintage Ibanez and anything else that strikes up my fancy.....mostly it's Electra 1st, then Ibanez. Used to be anything prototype or 1st issue. Very hard to find and get hold of those things.

JD's Electras

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 2:01 pm 
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JD -

That Ibanez LP Model 2405 of yours is one of the best I have seen -

I sold this 1979 Ibanez Musician MC300NT in 2009 - I was the original owner - I think maybe I should have kept it -

Image :up:

Last edited by RCSBlues on Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 2:24 pm 

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[quote="RCSBlues"]JD -

That Ibanez LP Model 2405 of yours is one of the best I have seen -

I sold this 1979 Ibanez Musician MC300NT in 2009 - I was the original owner - I think maybe I should have kept it -

I had an MC300 Walnut - also a '79. A VERY good guitar. Stolen out of the trunk of my car in NYC about '81 or '82. A devestating loss.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:57 pm 
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Don't play them enough, but these are all bulletproof Japanese warriors. What a strat should have been, no pickguard, locking nuts and fast necks. These are the first years of the Japanese made Charvels, all Jackson electronics, hardware and tuners.

1986 Charvel Model 2 with Shadow Synth Bridge (Rare to be sure)
1986 Charvel Model 4 with both the Hardtail and Vibrato Kahler Interchangeable Bridges
1987 Charvel Model 4 with Licensed Floyd Rose and Chainsaw case

I also have a Natural Mahogany Peavey Patriot. I can't believe how little these USA Made guitars go for. I figure someday it'll go up in value.

Insanely rare Antarez Solid Body, Brass nut, Brass saddles, Laminated body. Never seen another one like it, vast majority of Antarez's are Acoustics.

I keep my eyes out for the shark fin Norma's... now those are cool looking cheesy guitars.

Electra Guitar Videos ===>

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:11 pm 
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Here's a link to some of the guitars I've been through in the past few years. It'll take some time, but some of them are interesting pieces. These are mostly gone now.....I'm working on replacing them with Electras.....

JD's Electras

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:04 am 
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You had a effin' 1964 Framus GT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you got rid of it????????????????????

WOW!...just, WOW!!! ........... not enough exclamation marks will suffice here...

...throw me a frickin' bone here, people...

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