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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:55 am 

Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:51 pm
Posts: 8
Location: Corpus Christi, Texas
I am restoring an X320 for a client. I am completely done except he is missing one single bridge saddle. We tried Nasvhille style replacements, but the screw hole is off and the saddle sits so high it rocks side to side. It's just not gonna work and I refuse the gerry-rig a client's guitar. So, I am on a mad search for the bridge saddle. I will buy a whole bridge if I have to. I have hit all the local shops and they let me dig through the drawers, no luck. I've searched ebay and other sources, no luck.

Please help. If you can't offer the piece, does anyone have a link to a replacement that has worked perfectly on your X320?

Thanks, in advance,


Bob Long
The Guitar Surgeon (trademarked)
Refrets, restoration, nut/bridgework, general maintenance and repairs
Corpus Christi, TX

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:06 am 

Joined: Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:51 pm
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Location: Corpus Christi, Texas
If anyone even thinks of helping, I truly appreciate just the thought. I'd be willing to pay $10 for one saddle if it's the right one.

Here are some pics of the dimensions:






The first pic is the most crucial dimension. I just am not comfortable doing subpar work for someone so I need the right part. All substitutes so far are not acceptable.

Thanks, in advance for even thinking of helping.


Bob Long
The Guitar Surgeon (trademarked)
Refrets, restoration, nut/bridgework, general maintenance and repairs
Corpus Christi, TX

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:40 pm 
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I think I have one but I am moving and everything is packed. If you don't find one in a few weeks, bump the thread to remind me and I will look it up. It is yours for the price of postage.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:57 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jan 26, 2004 11:47 am
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I think I still have a complete gold plated bridge from my MPC X340;

I replaced it with a brass bridge which I ordered from SLM a long time ago - after 1979?;

Like this one on an X270; the brass bridge also came on the X420 models:


I am going to look for the old bridge tonight and give Mr. Long a call one way or the other.

If I find it - then it will be on its way to Corpus Christi.

I haven't used it for 30+ years and its been in storage - so if someone else needs it - then it is theirs to have.

Glad to help out.

Image :up:

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:30 pm 
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That's what I call generous Randy. An entire bridge, whoa.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:12 am 
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Joined: Mon Jan 26, 2004 11:47 am
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Well they offered to buy it so I shot them a really low price (plus postage) I think;

So I will make a little money if it is acceptable, but the bottom line is that someone can put it to good use after all these years.

Again, glad to help out.

Actually I had 2 complete stock MPC gold plated bridges - so I am keeping one for backup , or any future requests.

Image :up:

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