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PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 1:22 pm 
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I must have been bad this year as I didn't get an Electra this Christmas. :( Although I got a pretty nice Westbury (Matsumoku-made with Dimarzios in it, late 70s or early 80s). I also got a new "V" neck for my partocaster project. I got a pair of Gibson '61 Burstbuckers (have a pair in an SG and they are great, had an opportunity to get another pair reasonably so took it).

I have been wanting an American Strat, but I think my partocaster, my Electra Phoenix S, and even my upgraded Switch "strat" are pretty darned good. I kind of wanted a Goldtop LP, but I don't really need it. If I do, I should part with a few of my other guitars to make room for it. I have a lot of different kinds of guitars, prob half are Electras or Westones, but half are others.

So far all I heard about recently is the search for the "Christmas" Talon, and after playing one at an Electrafest I have to say I was impressed with it. I have enough floyd guitars already at the moment to go and buy one right now. But if I were, I'd be looking too. It was a fine guitar, really balanced, looked good and played great. I'll be on the lookout for one for SLMguy.

On the "whats new and cool" front:
Did anyone get a new or new-to-them Electra for Christmas this year?
Or any other coveted new gear?
What did you see that you liked this year?

I really was impressed by the Synergy modular preamps. I saw some demos by Wampler on youtube and checked them out at Sweetwater (all online, and that demo included Don Carr - an old friend of mine - Hi Don!). I'd really like to try one in person. I mentioned this before (this is old stuff), but a friend showed me the strobe tuner app for the iphone and I use the heck out of that - especially when setting intonation on all these guitars (cheap, something like $10 or so). Also, when we had our Electrafest with Tom P. in Evansville about 3 years ago and we used a friend's Music Lesson facility. Well he sold that building and he joined in with Moore Music in Evansville. Moore is an old name since he took over ABC Music (or left?) in the 70s or early 80s. Moore retired and is no longer involved and the new owner morphed the business into a premier boutique store (yes, in Evansville!). So if we ever have an Electrafest here again, we will have to talk to them nicely to see if they might provide us a location. Also, even if not, you all would like to stop in there to see the nice gear they have (Jack, it is all the stuff you'd like buddy). They carry high-end custom gear not the stuff you find at a GC (not knocking GC). They still carry Bogner too, and that is where mine originally came from. They have quite a presence online now. Not meaning to plug anyone, just saying it has developed into a really premier shop and it is LOCAL. I am straying from our own rules and getting off subject. But I know the forums have been a little dead lately and I know a lot of people have things to say - hope you all start saying something!

Ooops, a part I have been waiting on for my partocaster just came in the mail, so I will have to start working on that. I only have part of today and tomorrow. Happy new year everyone!


PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:42 am 
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And the same to you John! - although belatedly -

Image :up:

PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:34 pm 
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Yep it's been slow but maybe we can get fired up again in 2018. That was an awesome electrafest in Evansville and would be great to get together again this year. Best Wishes to all for a Happy Electra New Year. :up:

Always give thanks for everyday, It may be your last so Rock On Semper Fi!!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:07 pm 
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... same right back atya, John!!

... mate, nothing here on the Electra front and only a small resto on a trans-blue Spectrum SX to be going on with and even that's not much of a challenge as I'm having my paint guru blow the jam onto the guitar; I'm only rubbing it back between coats! Hardware is all present and correct - or I have the appropriate bits to nail on - apart from the rotten Bendmaster FT stringlock, which franky, doesn't bother me a whit; the tuning on these Spectrums/Phoenixes is remarkably stable, even with wobblers fitted! If I get the urge later, I'll get a behind-the-nut lock from Kahler and engineer it onto the headstock... that said, if anyone's got one going spare, please let me know!!

No live performances on the horizon either, but I am doing some dabbling wth recording; I have guitars and stuff miked up and running through a large mixing console, and from there through an interface into Garageband 0n an older Mac. I'm limited to 8 tracks due to the RAM size but a great deal of fun is being had, I have to say! Skills are slowly coming back and my keyboard licks are roaring back and being improved on daily!!

Here's a question for the combined intellect... why do we use humping great amplifiers and cabs for guitar when a small PA amp with decent speakers is easier to set up and a whole hell of a lot more powerful?! Like I said... loadsafun!! :D

"... and on the eighth day, God created New Zealanders.

Because even the Australians need heroes."

PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 5:54 pm 
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I haven't received any new Electra's, but I have been playing them more through my rotation!

I did, however, buy 3 new Supro's! Great deals at Sam Ash right now. They feel and sound GREAT!

"GREAT Googiley moogilie Jack...jumpin jehosephat, hot dang and all".
- jdwhealton

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:45 pm 
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We play those tube amps because they sound so good.

And as far as the supro guitars (I presume guitars) I bet the new ones play better than the originals. I have not played any of the new ones.

I am playing a mid 2000s Korean Dean Icon I paid $125 for at a MusicGoRound a couple years back in MN. It is for right now while working my contract gig. It is an amazingly good guitar. It is the older style somewhat like a PRS or a Baker. I am playing through a modeling amp. I am in an appt. here and have to think of others. My expensive gear is at home.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 7:00 pm 
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Hey if I am missing parts on those locks behind the nut, I remove them and put in a set of the staggared locking keys from GFS. They fit the same holes and look standard from the front. But they lock so you won't need the locking nut. GFS is not the cheapest out there, but they are about half the name brands. They do a very good job. I have them on several phoenix/spectrum models.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:32 pm 
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Thorny wrote:
Hey if I am missing parts on those locks behind the nut, I remove them and put in a set of the staggared locking keys from GFS. They fit the same holes and look standard from the front. But they lock so you won't need the locking nut. GFS is not the cheapest out there, but they are about half the name brands. They do a very good job. I have them on several phoenix/spectrum models.

That would be my plan, John, yeah; I'm a late convert to locking tuners and retrofit them where I need to! The last lot I put on were Gotohs, so anythings going to be cheaper than that, eh!!
Trouble with GFS is the bloody shipping rates... :x

"... and on the eighth day, God created New Zealanders.

Because even the Australians need heroes."

PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:07 am 
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Gotohs are same or better and probably more available at your locale. That is if they have the clamping lock. Gotoh makes more tuners than anyone.


PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 9:33 am 

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Hey to all and Belated Happy New Year. No new gear this year, have been exploring and catching up on some old tunes as well as some of the new releases.
A Christmas Talon was on the wish list but didn't make it down the chimney.
I did play a Ibanez 24 fret, EMG from China at of all places, a music store in a local mall. It played and sounded really well, so well, it makes me want the Talon even more!
I haven't bought anything since July 4, a Hondo H1 MB (metalic blue) with original case. The pointy-ist guitar I have ever Saw.
Hope everyone is well.


PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 2:10 pm 
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The Talons are so good! Excited for you to get one someday.

"GREAT Googiley moogilie Jack...jumpin jehosephat, hot dang and all".
- jdwhealton

PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 5:47 pm 

Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:53 pm
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Cheers and a Happy New Year, y'all!

Santa did manage to shove another X160 down the chimney... not too many scratches. ;-) Last week I picked up an old steel bodied Dobro which came complete with a 50+ year patina of dirt and nicotine. It's going to take a lot of naphtha before I see the shine on that one...

Been a long, slow Fall and Winter, but I'm already looking forward to Spring. I still have the remainder of Joe's (ozarkcannon's) collection. I pray that I may be well enough in a couple months to list them. It's not the selling part hanging me up, it's the packing and shipping.

Still on the lookout for an X420VS. If you see one wandering lost let me know.

Again, best to all of you and may all your guitar dreams come true.


"... can't seem to hit that Bb right."

PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 8:36 pm 
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It is nice to read about everyone once in a while. Only picked up one Electra this year - a PCM Violin bass guitar. I am hoping that another Electrafest can be organized once again. I miss seeing everyone's collections. Buying more guitars might be a problem this year as we are saving all year for a trip down under to Australia.

"This is the way that pop ends, Not with a BANG but with a box set whose fourth disc you never get around to playing” - Simon Reynolds

"My guitar wants to kill your Mama" - Frank Zappa & The Mothers of Invention

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:30 pm 
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yyzrondo wrote:
... as we are saving all year for a trip down under to Australia.

Really?! Where to, Ron?! I'm in Queensland, 3½ hours north of Brisbane... be just excellent to be able to meet up; I'm sure that Don - eyebulger over at Westone and Matt and another rabid collector friend, but one who doesn't play! - would be in as well!

Exciting times, mate - there's a load of stuff to see in this sun-burnt country!

"... and on the eighth day, God created New Zealanders.

Because even the Australians need heroes."

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