Tuesday, October 2, 2007, 11:50 AM
- Models
Bolt neck ES-335 style with sunburst finish, silver hardware, tremolo bridge. 
Like the others in the Slim Acoustic series, this model boasted large pickup covers that look like humbuckers but aren't- a single coil is hidden under the cover.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2007, 11:46 AM
- Models
Bolt neck ES-335 style with brown finish, silver hardware, tremolo bridge. 
Like the others in the slim acoustic series, this model originally boasted large pickup covers that look like humbuckers but aren't- a single coil is hidden under the cover.
From the 1972 catalog:

Tuesday, September 25, 2007, 09:59 AM
- Models
Bolt neck ES-335 style with red finish, silver hardware, tremolo bridge. 

This example is missing the tremolo arm. Like the others in the slim acoustic series, this model originally boasted large chrome pickup covers that look like humbuckers but aren't- a single coil is hidden under the cover.

From the 1972 catalog:

Tuesday, September 25, 2007, 09:54 AM
- Models
Bolt neck ES-335 style with emerald green finish, silver hardware, tremolo bridge. 

This example has aftermarket pickups. Like the others in the slim acoustic series, this model originally boasted large chrome pickup covers that look like humbuckers but aren't- a single coil is hidden under the cover.

Sunday, September 23, 2007, 10:51 AM
- Models
Set neck LP copy, flamed maple antique sunburst with rosewood fretboard, gold hardware, 5-way tone spectrum selector knob (see MPC guitars for details)

The Omega was the first Electra to carry the 5-way tone spectrum knob designed by Tom Presley that would later become a trademark of the MPC guitars. Headstock was open-book shape in 76 and fan shape for all other years.

Like most Electras with a fan-shaped headstock, the Omega was believed to be made by Matsumoku.
From the 1977 catalog:

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